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For Gynaecomastia

Dear Dr,
It is with immense satisfaction that I write back to you.Your approach,method and followup for my surgery for my condition"Gynaecomastia"was excellent.I was so shy to mix with my friends and in the society,refused to wear T shirts .You very well informed about the condition and made the whole procedure very simple.I was expecting a 2-3 days stay in the hospital,tubes etc,because of your DAYCARE SURGERY method I returned home the same day.The whole exercise was pleasant and I did not feel any pain or discomfort. The vest you recommended was excellent in quality. Your staffs were very well aware of even the minute details .It is nearly three months since I underwent the surgery,still I feel there is some kind of stiffness over the liposuctioned areas ,all the stitches have disappeared....

For Tummy tuck:

Dear Dr,
I am still having some pain in the morning hours immediately after getting up.Anyway my sincere thanks are due to you and your centre-'Roys' for meticulous care you have given me during the two days stay ,surgery before and after.I did not feel any insufficiency .I am happy that I got rid of my loose saggy tummy and the bulging navel button(? Hernia).I come to understand that you combine liposuction of the tummy along with the tummytuck,probably the two procedures in one go,though I was anxious and nervous,two months now after the surgery ,I feel your procedure has given me a good contour and appearance. Thank you doctor,I was apprensive about the cost .But your system of package based on the weight and time of surgery gave me a clear idea about the expenses and I can tell you it is affordable and worth it.

For Body Sculpting:

Hello Uncle,
She is fine.... The results are coming back very nicely very good job Uncle.She still has pain in her feet but the body back and arms are reconvering very well. Good job

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