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Enlargement of male breast is one of the commonest body disorder in males that can occur at any age.Male breasts undergo physiological enlargement during the adolescence and most of them regress in 6 months to one year period.If it persists for more than one year ,it usually needs a simple surgical procedure
The condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity, or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self confidence. Some men may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Gynecomastia is characterized by:

  • Excess localized fat.
  • Excess glandular tissue development.
  • Sometimes excess breast skin.
  • Presence unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally (both breasts).
  • Enlargement of male breast is one of the commonest body disorder in males.Male breasts undergo physiological enlargement during the adolescence and most of them regress in 6 months to one year period.If it persists for more than one year ,it usually needs a simple surgical procedure.The incidence seems to increase due to the prevalence of fitness fads ,all the more when they tend to take anabolic steroid and nutritional supplements. Post weight loss either due to Bariatric Surgery or weight loss regimes have also added to the more difficult forms of Gynaecomastia.


  • Liposuction alone.
  • Liposuction + excision of the gland.
  • Liposuction + elevation of the Nipple areolar complex.
  • Correction of prominent Nipple-Some men have a fixation on the nipple prominence especially during temperature variations and it is very important during examination to note their mind fixation to nipple.

Liposuction is the essential step in the surgical management of Gynaecomastia.Either manual or ultrasound assisted Liposuction corrects fatty component.


Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedures. The options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Intravenous sedation is preferred in most of the cases.

Liposuction technique

In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used. This requires insertion of a cannula, a thin hollow tube, through several small incisions.

The cannula is moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen the excess fat, which is then removed from the body by vacuum suction.

There are various liposuction techniques that may be used; the technique most appropriate in your case will be defined prior to your procedure.

A minimally invasive procedure ,using special instruments the glandular tissue is removed in piece meal.

Combination of liposuction & excision techniques:

Most of the patients undergo simultaneous lipo-excision which gives harmonious results.

Gynaecomastia in body builders

Since the fat content is less compared to the glandular component,it always needs an excisional method to address the prominent nipple areolar component.

Message from Dr. Roy

A personal message from Dr James Roy Kanjoor.MS.,MCh.,FRCS It is with great satisfaction and pleasure I dedicate our 'Roys Cosmetic Surgery ....

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